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Final Polish Editorial editing and self-publishing packages

Are you self-publishing and need help with the process?
If you are formatting your book for upload to Amazon, there are a number of resources available to help guide you through the process.
If this is something that fills you with dread, I can help!

Shuna guided me every step of the way and
made the self-publishing process almost effortless.
.​Debbie Paton, Storm in a D Cup!
Amazon: Kindle & Paperback
The process
Editing & proofreading
Account creation, ISBNs
Tracking sales and royalties
Formatting & layout
Once the text has been edited and proofread, I will apply:
Word styles to ensure a consistency of formatting for the print book
Generate a clickable Table of Contents for the Kindle book
Examples of books authors have self-published on Amazon
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